Tag Archives: outside

Photo Friday: Chris is going outside again

At some point this past year, Chris mostly lost interest in going outside but lately his interest has returned. Now, when I take Frankie for a walk Chris waits by the door so he can go out when we return.

Unlike Frankie, Chris is happy to stay close to home. Sometimes he eats a little grass but mostly he just wants to enjoy the great outdoors.

Let Me In

Every time we walk past our community office, Frankie seems interested in going inside for some reason. The last time we were there, he was up on his hind legs scratching at the door. I didn’t get a picture of that but here he is thirty seconds later.

I have no idea what is in there that he finds interesting.

Frankie Meets Another Cat

The other day we Frankie and I came across a mother cat and her two kittens. All three cats were nervous and retreated when Frankie came near. More likely it was me they were afraid of. I see that a lot in cats that we come across. Yesterday was different.

Yesterday we met a domesticated male, black cat who came toward us instead of running away.

I didn’t know what to expect from either cat.

There was some hissing coming from the black cat, who was probably protecting his territory, so I decided to pick up Frankie and get him out of there.

Frankie’s Punishment

After Frankie’s bad behavior on Saturday. I decided I was not going to take him outside on Sunday. He bugged me most of the day. Every time I got up he pleaded with me to take him out, but I held firm.

Later that afternoon, Chris sat at the door and asked me to let him out. Since Chris didn’t scratch my face yesterday I opened the door and let him out. Frankie was in the other room and didn’t see me do it.

It didn’t take him long to figure it out. Before long he was in the window very upset that Chris was outside and he was inside.

I felt bad for him but he needs time to think about how he can improve his behavior, which I am sure is exactly what he did.

More Outside Cat Encounters

I previously mentioned how Frankie can sometimes be oblivious to what is happening around him. Case in point: Two days ago we were outside and Frankie decided to start rolling around in the dirt, probably to the amusement of the cat lying on a nearby table.

The cat saw us but remained quiet and seemingly unconcerned. Frankie never saw the cat there watching us.

Today Frankie did notice an outside cat.

The cat made a short, howling noise and then remained quiet. Surprisingly, after about ten seconds, Frankie got bored and turned and walked away.

Every day is a new adventure with Frankie.