Tag Archives: group

Still Adjusting to New Work Routine

I just realized I did not post anything in over a week. I have my own part-time business and was supplementing my income with a part-time job. Recently that job turned into full-time and combined with the hours I spend on my business, my life has left me with little free time to do the things I enjoy, like blogging.

I will try to be better at posting in the future. While you wait to see if I live up to that, enjoy a picture of Abbey, Chris, and Tigger from April of 2010 when Chris was about eleven months old.

As a side note, another photo taken at the same time was used on my most popular greeting card on Zazzle. If you are curious, you can see it here.

Photo Friday: How to Make Mom Jealous

We adopted Puck for my wife but he then tended to be more my cat. We then adopted Frankie for her and the same thing happened. Finally we adopted Floki for Rose and I was told not to be nice to him. Of course, I would never be mean to any cat but Floki has been Rose’s cat since he was a kitten. He comes to me for attention sometimes but he wants attention from Rose even more.

Since we moved to our new home, and I think even before that, Floki has been spending more time on my lap. This does not go over well with his mom, especially when she looks over and sees three cats on my lap.

Photo Friday: Cold Cats, Warm Bed

The weather has cooled here recently and all the cats want to hang out on the bed more than ever before. I don’t know if the bed is warmer or if it is just a good place to gather and preserve body heat. Maybe after sleeping on it all night we warm it up for them.

This is the closest I have ever seen all four of our cats.

cats on bed

They often show up on the bed after their breakfast (which is before our coffee) and I feel bad about kicking them off to make the bed. cats on bed cats on bed cats on bed cats on bed cats on bed

Photo Friday: The China Syndicate

Our china cabinet started out as Chris’s domain. He was the only one able and willing to leap to the top from the sofa. Since he has gained weight, he no longer jumps up there. Puck has taken over as chief overseer of the china cabinet.

Puck can’t jump up there without help. He waits for me to walk by and gives me “the look” and a whisper of a meow and I know exactly what he wants. I lean over and he jumps on my shoulders and I walk over to the cabinet where he jumps up.

Frankie is the only cat that can get on top of the cabinet without help. Sometimes he gets up there but mostly he doesn’t care about it too much.

Floki is like Puck and he uses me to get up there. I try to avoid letting him up on the cabinet when Puck is there because I know Puck is up there for peace. Usually, though, Puck being up there gets Floki interested in being up there.

The other day Frankie was riding my shoulders and decided to get off on the China cabinet. Puck saw him and then he wanted to get up there. That got Floki interested and I figured, why not? I helped Floki up and everyone seemed to get along.

cats on cabinet

I think they were having a meeting, possibly planning to oust Chris as the alpha. I don’t know where Chris was, probably napping somewhere. Whatever plan they came up with didn’t work. Chris is still the boss.