Photo Friday: Vintage Flash

I dug into the archives for today’s photo. This was taken August 28, 2005, the day we adopted Flash and Tigger (named Ernie and Dooly at the time). Tigger was adopted by my wife’s mother but she did not adopt his brother, Flash. Apparently, Flash was in such distress over the loss of his brother that the shelter called and said we either needed to adopt Flash as well or return Tigger. Since my mother-in-law was not ready for two cats, we took them both in.

While Tigger was very outgoing, Flash was not. In fact, he was so nervous that he scrunched himself under our kitchen cabinet as soon as we let the two of them out of their carriers.

We named him Flash because when you tried to pet him he was gone in a Flash. Tigger got his name because he seemed to bounce around the house like the cartoon Tigger.

Here are the two of them together a few days later.

19 thoughts on “Photo Friday: Vintage Flash

  1. databbiesotrouttowne

    this reminds me of tuna and sauce in that tuna was all over everything while sauce remained skittish after I brought them home; I never knew if they bonded at the shelter though ~~ the last photo is great ! šŸ™‚ ā™„ it’s like they are saying YAY !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Timmy Tomcat

    Miss Fitz and Mr Buttons were very chummy when they were fosters but moving into a large cat family and Buttons became everyones pal. Miss Fitz not so much. After 6-7 years she is coming into her own and that we love. Thanks so much for sharing the photos of the boys. They sure look like they know how to have fun with each other and that is the best life for cats in a loving home.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      They sure needed each other when they were young. I think they lost their mother because Tigger would suck on Flash’s belly like he was nursing.

  3. Crystal

    They were happy little cats. I used to have a Tabby Cat named Tigger. She wasn’t bouncy like your Tigger. Our Tigger wanted to stay with you everywhere you went.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      Our Frankie follows me around so much that I am constantly tripping on him or stepping on his feet. He’s lucky I don’t wear shoes in the house.


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