Rebuilding Burnt Bridges

For Throwback Thursday, this post is from almost five years ago when Chris decided Frankie was a better friend than an enemy but Frankie was not so sure. Today they mostly get along.

Bad Cat Chris

When we adopted Frankie, Chris behaved very uncharacteristically toward him. He did whatever he could to show Frankie he was not a welcome cat (See here). Eventually Chris accepted Frankie’s presence and took steps toward making peace with him but unfortunately Chris burned those bridges. Frankie turned the tables on him and became the aggressor and started attacking Chris on a regular basis.

Lately things have settled down a bit and I see Chris’s efforts are starting to pay off. Yes, there are still fights. Some of those fights are even started by Chris, but more and more I see the two of them hanging out relatively close without one trying to whack the other. Perhaps there is hope for the future.

Cats Frankie and Chris We weren’t fighting. We were just meowing. Honest.

Cats Frankie and Chris I’d like to be your friend, Frankie, but first I must smell your butt.

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8 thoughts on “Rebuilding Burnt Bridges

  1. onespoiledcat

    HAHAHA……It’s quite an adjustment adding to the family – for everyone….I’m glad the two are getting along now and certainly not having to break up cat fights (and the resulting wounds!) is a “boon” !



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