Puck’s Self-Imposed Exile

Here is a post from January 3, 2016, for Throwback Thursday. It can sometimes be difficult when you have a timid cat.

Bad Cat Chris

Puck has always been more timid than Chris or Frankie. Actually, every cat is more timid than Chris but what I am trying to say is that Puck can be a bit of a scardy-cat. He is not as timid as Flash, the brother of Tigger who passed a few months after we adopted Chris, but he does tend to run away from strangers while Chris, and sometimes Frankie, will go towards them.

My stepson, Nick, came to visit for a week over the Christmas holiday and Puck refused to come out of our bedroom while he was in the house. We had to put a litter box in our room along with food and water because we were worried he would not eat or drink or that he would do his business on our bedroom floor.


Unfortunately, Rose has a nose like a bloodhound and refused to sleep with the…

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7 thoughts on “Puck’s Self-Imposed Exile

  1. KDKH

    We once had a dog that reacted aggressively (but did not attack) when a man came to pick up his daughter from a slumber party. He wore a ball cap, and we correctly decided that was the problem. The next time he bravely came over, we told him to leave the hat in the car and there was no problem. We finally figured out that a man in a ball cap at the breeder’s house was mean to that dog and her sister. Neither of them could abide men in ball caps. So if your cat didn’t like Nick, it could be because of something he did, how loud he was, or that he resembled someone the cat didn’t like.

  2. iamthesunking

    What a contrast from Louis Catorze, who would (and has, on plenty of occasions) ditched me in favour of cuddling up with male overnight guests.

  3. cat9984

    Kommando is a pretty timid cat. She has never forgiven my daughter for leaving home abruptly (it pretty much devastated me at the time, although we have reconciled). Kommando let herself be petted for the first time in over 5 years last week.


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