Hypnotizing a Cat or How Men Don’t Read Directions

I know that men are stereotyped as people who don’t read directions and I certainly don’t want to promote that idea but when we got our Jackson Galaxy cat toys I did not read the directions. In fact, I opened the first one without even reading the name on the package. If I had I would have saw it was a “Ground Prey Wand.” “Ground” being the key word. If I read the label I would have known what to do right away. But alas, I didn’t read it, so I started swinging it around in the air like a crazy person with only mixed results.

I didn’t post the first video I took because I eventually read the package and realized I was supposed to drag it along the ground. Part of the video was a bit funny so I thought I would share it here.

What do you think of Floki?

20 thoughts on “Hypnotizing a Cat or How Men Don’t Read Directions

  1. databbiesotrouttowne

    floki…..waz ya gettin sleepee πŸ™‚ we iz glad ta see dad add mitted ta hiz faultz heer… to bee veewed by possa blee millionz !!!!!…..de dood de food gurl used ta live with waz de same..
    sew tell dad knot ta feel bad πŸ˜‰ β™₯β™₯

  2. caren gittleman

    that is too funny! I think I would have done exactly the same (except Cody prefers dangly toys to be dragged on the ground) who would read the package with a toy like that? I know I more than likely wouldn’t!!

  3. onespoiledcat

    HAHAHA……Floki looks like he’s saying “this is supposed to be FUN??????”…….well, it does look a bit hypnotizing which might come in handy sometimes.



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