New Furniture, Bad Cats

We recently got rid of some old furniture in our Florida room, including the sofa that started Puck pooping outside the litter box, and had a new trundle bed delivered. My wife went to Badcock without me and ordered it from a catalog They didn’t have a sample in the store.

It arrived the Thursday before last. Rose was in Orlando for business and I had to stay home and wait for delivery. When they arrived, I had to lock out the cats so the guys could come in and out as well as put everything together without being bothered.

Chris was very interested and Floki was not as nervous as I expected.

Frankie was indifferent.

After it was put together and they needed a signature I asked where the mattresses were. They said it didn’t come with mattresses. I said I’m sure my wife didn’t intend to buy this without mattresses.

Sure enough, the salesman never informed her that the mattresses in the photo were not included. You would think he would want to make more money by selling more products. But on a positive note, the cats loved being able to climb through to the bottom.

We also got a cabinet for the kitchen that was designed to look old. That way when the cats scratch it, nobody will notice.

We had to cover the trundle bed for a week until the new mattresses arrived but nobody minded, especially Chris.

One day after the bed arrived, Frankie decided to make it unreturnable by digging holes in it. Rose was not happy with him.

When the mattresses did arrive, Rose put new sheets on them and covered the bed with a blanket. The next morning Puck pooped on it.

Now we have to have pee pads on it. This is our life with cats.

On a separate note, Puck did not pee outside the box between Monday morning and Saturday morning, but we did wake up the last two mornings to pee. Very disappointing.

30 thoughts on “New Furniture, Bad Cats

  1. onespoiledcat

    Oh my…..well, I have to say as good as Teddy is with not clawing furniture, I think leather or leatherette type furniture would have been too tempting. It’s not usually a very “kitty friendly” material…..sorry the new sofa bed has holes now! Just tell everyone it’s “distressed leather fabric” (tee hee). The sofa bed without any covering/mattress on it looks like quite a fun “cat toy” – which I think is what the cats thought when they saw it.


  2. Summer

    This reminds my human of when she was selling her old house and the realtor wanted to stage the living room. My human said, “Only if you pay for any damages to the furniture you rent. I refuse to be responsible.” He agreed, and sure enough, by the time the month or two was up, the faux leather sofa had scratches all over it. But he was warned!

    (Incidentally, the buyer for the house came along after everyone had moved out and the living room was empty.)

  3. weggieboy

    I decided at one point to buy a really nice computer chair to replace the cheap one that lasted about a year before it fell apart. Yeah, almost $700 worth of chair should last forever, I thought!

    It wasn’t assembled and in place before the first cat used it as a scratching post. The second cat (never an abuser of furniture, you know, the one that ALWAYS used scratching posts) came by shortly and added his marks to the chair.

    That last forever, really nice computer chair is a mess now, having had over a year of cat abuse.

    I resolved never to buy another piece of leather or leather-like furniture until the kitty boys are history! (Even if I stop them when I am home, they abuse it when I’m not. Bad kitties!)

    The chair will last forever. It IS a really nice one. It just will look like a cat war zone, an eyesore in the front room instead of proud computer chair of high quality.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      I think it’s pointless to buy new furniture with four cats but my wife likes nice things. I think you can have nice things or you can have cats. You can’t have both.

  4. kittiesblue

    Wow…sure seems as if things are not going very well at your house. Can’t believe the bed came without a mattress, Chris clawed it up already and the pee and poop wars continue. Paws crossed for a Christmas Miracle at your house. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  5. David

    The claw marks are a sign your cats like the new furniture. But, I have to agree with Rose about having it nice for awhile before taken on feline affection. 🙂

  6. atkokosplace

    The cats love the bed! They looked like they had a good time. 🙂 Luckily my kitties don’t scratch the furniture. I clip their nails every other week, but every now and again they do stretch up along the arms. But how I prevent any damage is by putting throws/small blankets over them. It looks nice and there’s always blankets for us to cover with as needed. I love leather, but say no to it because of the cats. I like your cabinet. So pretty!


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