Three Feral Cats Now Wait For Breakfast

For over a month now a tabby cat that I have called “My Little Buddy” has been waiting for me almost every morning when I get to work. I don’t feel that name fits that cat anymore because I get the feeling that she is female. I’m not sure why I think that, perhaps it is because she reminds me of my cat Abbey, shy but not fearful. I feel like I need to name them all but without knowing their sex, it is difficult.

Until a few weeks ago, three cats would come around to eat but only the one tabby would be there waiting for me. A fourth cat joined the group a few weeks ago (See There’s a New Feral in Town) and about two weeks ago the white and gold (ginger) cat joined the regular breakfast crew.

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Do you see the second cat in the grass?

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Sometimes now the gold cat is close and the tabby is in the distance and doesn’t come closer until I put the food out. I am not sure what the dynamics of their relationship is yet. I do know that the gold cat is the least fearful of humans, or at least me, and lets me get pretty close before backing away.Feral catFeral cat

A week ago the new Tabby was there waiting for breakfast when I got to work and I have seen him once or twice more while I was putting food out.

Feral CatFeral Cat

The pictures above are screen shots from a video that was too shaky to show here. I noticed the other three cats are ear-tipped but I did not see it on this one until I looked at the video. I did manage to put together another video that is not too shaky, although it could be better.

17 thoughts on “Three Feral Cats Now Wait For Breakfast

  1. kittiesblue

    I was so happy to hear that these kitties are ear-tipped. Do you think they might have been part of a feral colony that someone was maintaining but has now stopped for whatever reason? You are so good to care for this group. If you could use help with green papers for food, let me know. I would be happy to contribute to their well-being. Kitties Blue Mom, Janet

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      That is very generous of you but your money is better spent on someone who needs it more than me. I am, however, thinking about starting a non-profit when I have enough saved up to get started. If and when that happens I would love any support I can get. As far as the cats being part of a colony, I don’t know. They don’t seem like they are starving so perhaps there is someone else feeding them.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      I guess I am becoming popular. I started out just wanting to give them a little treat now and then. Now I worry they are becoming dependent, although I only feed them 4, sometimes 5, days a week.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      I think the gold one could get used to people. My mother-in-law has two or three ferals that she is able to bring in the house at least part-time so I know it is possible.

  2. Summer

    That’s so nice of you to look out for them – and I’m so glad they are ear – tipped! I wonder if there’s a colony (there must be) and where it is.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      I wonder too. The fence is a playground for a school and on the other side there is a neighborhood. Perhaps someone in the neighborhood feeds some of them. The tabby I see most often does not come from the neighborhood area but from behind the Firestone, two buildings up. It looks like there are good hiding places there but perhaps also someone there is cat friendly.


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