Mr. Oblivious

I took Frankie for a walk yesterday. We only occasionally go to the street behind us but when we do, I often see a ginger cat outside one particular house. I don’t remember Frankie ever seeing that cat, but that cat has seen Frankie and is very quiet when he does. I have mentioned before that Frankie is even worse than me when it comes to not noticing things.

Yesterday we walked by while the other ginger cat stood on top of a bird bath. He was probably there getting a drink of water but when he saw us, he froze. Frankie smelled the plants and spent a fair amount of time in front of the house but eventually moved on without a clue who was standing five feet from him.

We crossed the street, and he spent some time smelling plants in front of the house directly across from the cat while the cat watched us. The owner of that house worked on his motorcycle in the driveway, but Frankie didn’t notice him either. After a while Frankie walked back to the cat house and smelled their plants a little more while the other cat watched from his perch on top of the bird bath.

It looks like Frankie is looking at the cat in the photo above, but he doesn’t see him yet. A minute or two later he finally spots him, and this happens.

I turned the camera off and picked up Frankie and walked him away from there. He soon forgot about the other cat and we walked home.

27 thoughts on “Mr. Oblivious

  1. onespoiledcat

    We don’t go on walks but as you know Teddy goes out in our yard with one or both of his “parents” off leash to sniff, dig, hug a tree – whatever……when he sees a dog on a walk with his/her human down on the street Teddy stops whatever he’s doing and watches intently until they’re out of sight. My little guard-cat always ready to protect his humans! LOL

    Hugs, Pam

      1. onespoiledcat

        Well if you were walking by on the street he wouldn’t know you had a cat and he’d just watch you – street is quite a ways down the yard…..if you were in OUR yard with Frankie I have a feeling he would run up to the front door and want back inside like he does when the Amazon truck comes up our driveway! LOL

  2. orientallily001

    Sometimes “outta sight, outta mind” truly does apply. Unless, of course, we’re talkin’ about catnip. Catnip is ALWAYS on my mind. MOUSES!

  3. Doug Thomas

    When I walked with the late Louie the ginger kitty, he was free o interact with anything that attracted his interests. Taco the tuxedo kitty and Louie had a thing. Louie would take on Taco anywhere in what was his territory, but we encountered Taco once on the edge of that territory – Taco was technically a step outside it – and the two just sniffed each other and walked on. Louie was shelter cat, five-ish years old when I got him. While he was very well-behaved indoors, he resisted a leash. No, he took less than a blink of the eye to shed it the one time I tried to put one on him for our first walk! I learned following a cat on his walk was an adventure that opened my eyes to what interests cats.

    1. Charles Huss Post author

      Frankie can easily get out of his harness by pulling on the leash backward. I learned that if I don’t try to make him go a certain direction he doesn’t resist. If I want him to change direction I have to pick him up and move him.

      1. Doug Thomas

        When I walked with the late Louie, he was the same way – his way or the highway! LOL! i did have to draw the line following him when he t5ook shortcuts under neighbor’s bedroom or bathroom window, but generally just saw Louie’s world through his eyes. It was interesting, as you know, to follow the cat.


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