Photo Friday: Mr. Bill

My boss works out of her home which is where I go at 6:15 every workday. When I get there Mr. Bill is on the pool table waiting to greet me. I bought him a cat mat to help make the pool table more comfortable, but he refused to go on it until we turned it upside down.

If I remember the story right, he kept crashing into things when he was young and they would say, “Oh, no! Mr. Bill!” If you are under 50, search YouTube for “Mr. Bill SNL.”

21 thoughts on “Photo Friday: Mr. Bill

  1. Doug Thomas

    LOL! Yes, those Mr. Bill episodes were a hoot! I’ve tried to give my various cats comfortable beds or blankets to make hard spots they slept on a bit warmer and more comfortable. My experience is like yours. Either they refused comfort or accepted it begrudgingly.

      1. Doug Thomas

        Andy oftentimes his hanging over the edges of his sleeping places, most of which have hard edges and surfaces. The recliner footrest is one exception. It is perfectly contoured for kitty comfort!

  2. Brian's Home Blog

    We remember that “Mr. Bill” too and always enjoyed his fun. This Mr. Bill is quite handsome. Happy New Year from all of us!!!


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